Oops!! It's raining Chocolate milkshake

Hey folks,
              Hope every thing is going good. If your MOOD is not really GOOD, them I am here to fix it to a mood full of laughter.......and how would I do that??
..........with another crazy experience of mine that took place an year ago, but still it's fresh (I think so..)

So here it is..

I was in one of my friends house. I was there not for a party but to COOK. Cook what.....? We ourselves had no ideaπŸ˜‚

First we planned to bake a cake, but my friend didn't seem too excited. So, we decided we would make something spicy......"How about chaat??"
But no, I was not so interested in it.

We finally decided what to make. It was not something spicy, but SWEET(lol). We decided to make chocolate milkshake. It was summer, what's better than a glass of cold chocolate milkshake?

We saw a video on YouTube and settled to make it as the recipe was easy. So we had all the ingredients- Chocolate, milk, sugar, etc and TADA you have all the ingredients for a good chocolate milkshake.

The video said we had to mix the milk and chocolate in a mixer after melting it.

My friend was so excited she tells, " Yay! we are nearly done, just mix and done."

And I replied, "Yeah I know but before that do you know which mixer to use?"

"Any mixer will do", she said

"Actually No...I think there is a specific one", I said as if I was a mixer specialist. "So do you know which one to use?", I asked again

"Yeah! obviously:, she said.
"Are you sure?", I asked.


I suggested her to ask  her mom which one to use, but she told she knew it I needn't be so worried (like I was). And obviously she took a the WRONG mixer out  and it was not meant for liquids.

Now even I didn't know it was the wrong one. We put the ingredients in.

3-2-1-BOOM!!....not just the liquid inside danced, it splashed out like fireworks all over the kitchen.

I kept shouting, "Switch off the mixer!!"

But by the time she switched of the mixer, no liquid was inside the mixer....it was all over us.

I guess we looked and tasted good.

Umm yeah! It was funny. My friends dog helped us clean by licking the chocolate. My brother too contributed...he arrived just before the mixer danced (such a good time to come). 

I should say it was an experience......A FABULOUS EXPERIENCE.


  1. Silly of your friend
    Not listening to you!!!

  2. πŸ‘πŸ˜‚ Good one ... Keep writing blogs,πŸ‘

  3. i hope the dog is ok

    nice blog .... keep it up

  4. Really funny story! :) Keep writing ! Love to read more of your stories.
    by the way chocolate is not good for dogs/puppies. that is toxic for them. so be careful with that.

  5. Yes I know that....but the dog is safe...nothing happened ( I am really glad for thatπŸ˜‡)
    Thanks for the compliment

  6. Loved it!!!!
    Excited for your next blog!!!
    Keep writing...πŸ€—

  7. Your language is epic .....


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